by Warren St. John, Inn President

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Bylaws of the Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court

ARTICLE I. General.

Section 1. Purpose.
The purposes of The Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court are set forth in Article I of Charter Number 184 issued by the American Inns of Court Foundation on the 11th day of June, 1993, as the same may be amended.

Section 2. Principal Location. 
The Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court shall be located in the city of Fort Worth, county of Tarrant, state of Texas.

ARTICLE II. Organization.

Section I. The Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of seven persons and is composed of the four officers of the Inn, as described below, and three at large members to be elected by majority vote of the Active Masters of the Bench, as hereinafter provided. The duties of the Executive Committee, and its members, are as set forth in the Charter, and as set forth herein.

Section 2. The Officers.
The officers of the Inn shall be a president, counselor, secretary and treasurer, and such other officers as the Active Masters of the Bench may later deem necessary. The officers each serve a one-year term, or as otherwise directed by the Active Members of the Bench, and may succeed themselves in the same position for one additional term only. The officers are selected by the Active Masters of the Bench in accordance with the Charter of the Inn. Associate, Pupil and Honorary members are not eligible to serve as officers.

Section 3. Committees.
The Executive Committee may establish standing and ad hoc committees from time to time from among the active members of the Inn, and from time to time may change or discontinue commit-tees. The chair and members of all such committees shall be determined by the Executive Commit-tee.

The following standing committees shall be established: Membership Committee and Program Committee. The composition and duties of each committee shall be as follows:

Membership Committee-The Membership Committee shall consist of five persons, one of whom shall be either the President or Counselor. The Membership Committee shall solicit and re-view applications and make recommendations to the Executive Committee, for membership in the Inn; shall maintain records of attendance and oversee attendance in accordance with Article IV Section 2 of these Bylaws; and, shall assign members to Pupilage groups.

Program Committee-The Program Committee shall consist of three persons and shall oversee and approve program topics, and shall be responsible for submitting programs for Continuing Legal Education credit.

Section 4. Pupilage Groups.
All active members except officers will be assigned to a Pupilage Group by the Membership Committee and the assignments shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Officers may, in their discretion, participate in Pupilage Groups. Each Pupilage Group shall be chaired by an Active Master of the Bench appointed by the Executive Committee and shall include one active, local area judge among its members. The Benchers and Pupilage Groups shall be reassigned every year.

ARTICLE III. Membership.

There are six classifications of members in the Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court, consistent with the Bylaws of the American Inns of Court Foundation, and as set forth below:

Active Masters of the Bench - consisting of lawyers who have demonstrated superior character ability and competence as trial or appellate advocates, and federal, state and local judges. Masters shall be persons with at least fifteen years experience as lawyers, judges and law professors;

Emeritus Masters of the Bench – consisting of lawyers who have completed service as Active Masters and have otherwise demonstrated long and distinguished service to the Inn. The Executive Committee may confer the additional designation of James B. Barlow Emeritus Fellow upon an Emeritus Master of the Bench in recognition of continued distinguished service to the Inn as an Emeritus Master of the Bench.

Barristers - consisting of lawyers, judges and law professors with at least four to fifteen years of experience;

Associates - consisting of lawyers with one to four years of experience; Pupils-consisting of law students from local area law schools; and

Honorary Members - consisting of lawyers selected for honorary status based upon long and distinguished service to the bench or bar.

Emeritus Masters, Barristers, Associates, Pupils and Honorary Members shall not be voting members, except when they may serve as officers or committee members and as may otherwise be provided in the Charter. Active Masters shall serve five year terms. Barristers shall serve three year terms. Associates shall serve a term of two years. Pupils shall serve a term of one year. All term years shall run from July 1 through June 30, or as otherwise directed by the Executive Committee. Emeritus Masters and Honorary Members serve without term limits.

Members may be eligible for re-selection to the Inn so long as a period of at least one fiscal year has elapsed since completion of the next previous term. Members may not change membership classification during the course of a given year.

ARTICLE IV. Meetings and Attendance.

Section 1. Meetings.
Meetings shall be held at least six times per year at such times and places as the Executive Commit-tee may determine. The Inn shall endeavor to have at least one social event per year to which members may invite guests.

Section 2. Attendance.
Each member, except Emeritus Masters and Honorary Members, will be allowed only two absences from the monthly meetings in a given fiscal year. A member with more than two absences is deemed to have resigned. The Membership Committee shall monitor attendance at meetings and shall submit the names of those who have more than two absences to the Executive Committee. The non-participating member will be contacted by the Membership Chair in order to determine if he/she wishes to remain in this American Inn of Court. If so, the member should petition the President for appointment to the vacancy, showing good cause therefore. The President will submit the petition to the Executive Committee for determination.

Emeritus Masters and Honorary Members shall not have attendance requirements.

ARTICLE V. Voting and Elections.

Section 1. Active Masters of the Bench.
Each Active Master shall be entitled to one vote on all matters submitted for decision by vote of the Active Masters. A majority of voting Active Masters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Every act done or decision made by a majority of the Active Masters in attendance at a duly called meeting shall be regarded as the act of the Inn.

Section 2. Executive Committee.
Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote on all matters submitted to the Committee. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the deciding vote. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Every act done or decision made by a majority of the members in attendance at the meeting called for that purpose shall be regarded as the act of the entire Executive Committee.

Section 3. Elections.
The election of the three At Large Executive Committee members, the President, the Counselor, the Secretary and the Treasurer for a given fiscal year will occur every year during the months of July or August at a meeting of the Active Masters of the Bench especially called for that purpose. The slate of persons nominated for the respective positions shall be determined on or before June 30 by the Executive Committee members sewing at the time.

Section 4. Vacancies
When a position as an officer or committee chair becomes vacant, the Executive Committee has authority to immediately fill the vacancy. The duration of time spent completing a vacant position shall not be counted against the new officer in regard to any maximum term of service.

ARTICLE VI. Fiscal Matters.

Section 1. Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of The Mahon Inn of Court shall be the same as the fiscal year of the American Inns of Court Foundation which is from July I to June 30 of each year.

Section 2. Dues.
Dues shall be in an amount consistent with the Charter and shall be levied by the Treasurer during the month of September of each year. Failure to pay assessments and dues prior to the third meeting of the Inn year and after reasonable notice may be considered by the Executive Committee as grounds to terminate membership of the person in default.

Section 3. Expenses.
This American Inn of Court shall pay all expenses in accordance with The Leadership Handbook, which includes payment to help pay the cost for one or more officers to attend the National Conference of the American Inns of Court Foundation in a manner consistent with the guidelines established in The Leadership Handbook.

ARTICLE VII. Adoption and Amendments.

Section 1. Adoption.
These Bylaws have been adopted by this Inn of court upon approval by a majority of the Active Masters of the Bench of this American Inn of Court and after being submitted to, and approved, in writing by the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation.

Section 2. Amendments.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a majority of the Active Masters of the Bench of this American Inn of Court and must be submitted to, and approved, in writing, by the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation.